Archive: November 2012

Saving The Charitable Deduction And More

Saving The Charitable Deduction And More

For some time now politicians of both parties have been talking about ways to get America’s fiscal house in order. The Democratic chant is “We’ve got to raise taxes on the wealthy.” The Republican chant is “We’ve got to curtail spending.” To no...

Does He Reign In Our Hearts?

Does He Reign In Our Hearts?

During World War II, shortly after Germany invaded and conquered the country of Yugoslavia in 1941, a young German soldier named Josef Schultz was summoned by his sergeant, along with seven other soldiers. They were marched to the brow of a hill...

The Undying Myth

One of the many exit polls following President Obama’s re-election asked Obama supporters why they rejected Mitt Romney. There were several reasons given, but two of them I found particularly revealing. A large percentage felt that Romney was only...

Contemplating Christ The King

Contemplating Christ The King

Today we celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King, the last Sunday in Ordinary Time. Next week, we begin a new Church Year. As this year draws to a close, it might do us well to do some personal reflection on how well we have made Christ the King...

If There Is Nothing Above Us

If There Is Nothing Above Us

I don’t know who first uttered these words but they set forth us an important bit of wisdom: If there is nothing above us we will be consumed by all that is around us. Our nation’s Founding Fathers recognized its truth when they wrote: We hold these...

Faucet Confusion Syndrome

Faucet Confusion Syndrome

Sally just got an email from her sister. She was lucky to be sitting down when she saw it. Otherwise, she might have fainted. You see, her sister caused an ugly scene at Sally’s home two years ago, stormed out, and remained silent until now. The...

You Say That I Am A King

You Say That I Am A King

On this Feast of Christ the King, I wish to begin with two words spoken by the Prophet Daniel: I saw. If you recall from that first reading (Dan 7:13-14), “I saw” is followed by a litany of visions and descriptions regarding the Son of...
