Archive: September 2015

The Third Question

The new millennium began with the devastating and psychologically damaging attacks on 9/11, followed by a decade of lost and confusing wars on terror, amidst the general decline of American cultural life. This has given many cause to revisit our...

The Light of the World

Most of you have probably seen the famous painting of Jesus holding a lantern as evening falls, while knocking on a door, hoping to have it opened to Him. There’s no handle or doorknob on the door, for it represents the human heart—which can only be...

Pope Francis Inspires but Oversimplifies

Pope Francis’ recent messages to the U.S. Congress and to the Catholic bishops revealed his personal goodness and his deep compassion for the poor and downtrodden. His words and demeanor were inspirational not only to Catholics but to all people of...

I Believe I Saw the Lady

An air of low comedy somehow hangs over the Know-Nothing movement, despite serious issues being involved. The Know-Nothings were a political party which enjoyed a phenomenal, though brief success in the 1850s. Their guiding belief was a dislike of...

Something Unusual Happened

Something unusual happened this past July 30 near the Spanish capital city of Madrid, at a military base named El Goloso. A fire broke out inside one of the buildings on the base and spread to an adjoining field. All the grass was scorched by the...

Education–The Great Mystery

It’s September, and the children are back in school, so it’s time for a little quiz. Take a look at the following sentence: The students (a) have discovered that (b) they can address issues more effectively (c) through letter-writing campaigns (d)...

The Unspoken Choice

Twenty years before Roe v. Wade rocked American culture those two names were extremely important to me. In 1953, Elwin Preacher Roe and Benjamin Wade were stalwarts on the Brooklyn Dodgers’ pitching staff. 
In the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, Norma...

The Butterfly Effect

In 1960 a research meteorologist named Edward Lorenz, working on a primitive computer, created a mathematical model of weather and climate conditions; he was hoping to find precise, predictable patterns that would make accurate long- range...
