All Essays

Wishing You a Blessed Easter

Every year, on Palm Sunday and on Good Friday, among other relevant things, we recall Simon Peter’s triple denial of even knowing Jesus. That was the pre-Resurrection Simon Peter, alas, perhaps also a template of the way we might still be, at times...

There Are No Words

Each Good Friday, we Christians ask ourselves: How would we have behaved? Would we have been among the faithful women remaining as Jesus breathed his last? Or would we, like many of Jesus’ closest friends, have fled the scene? While none of us know...

Blessed Caroline Kózka: A Beacon for Hope

“Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5: 8) Reading numerous accounts of our contemporary canonized or beatified teenage brothers and sisters, I get the impression that some writers trying to make them more accessible to...

Living the Easter Triduum

The Easter Triduum, which starts from Holy Thursday up to Easter Sunday, is really a splendid opportunity for all of us to appreciate Jesus’ infinite love for all of us. The Diary of St Faustina greatly helps us to appreciate and let this love...

At War with Myself- Part 2

Our focus on using Ignatian spirituality is to have personal experiences of Jesus. A spiritual director recently shared this experience with me: Recently, a directee shared with me her experience of awakening with tears in her eyes because her dream...
