Tag: Prodigal Son

Mercy is God’s First Name

A young woman with an attitude, whom we’ll call Nadine, rebelled against her parents’ religious beliefs and practices, saying, “I’ve had it with your God.  I don’t need Him, or you—so I’m leaving.”  Nadine left home and went off to the big...

To Love

More than any other, perhaps, the parable of the prodigal son reveals to us an aspect of the heart of the Father in the only way we, mere human beings, can understand it. For this reason, then, we ought to resist the habitual tendency that we all...

As Christians, We’re Called to Forgive

A woman—we’ll call her Jackie—had been sexually abused by her own father when she was a little girl. It took her a long time to recover from the emotional damage, and the sense of anger and betrayal, but eventually she did, and she married a man who...

We are the Pharisees and Scribes

Let us be truthful. As soon as we hear the first words about the story of the prodigal son, we shut off our spiritual ears and say: “I know that story by heart.” In our lifetime we heard stories of people who were as bad as the prodigal son and...
