Building a Culture of Life

Building a Culture of Life

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to participate in the March for Life in Washington, D.C.  All the seminarians from SS. Cyril and Methodius went as well as two other priests. Our group of 36 braved the cold and snow to demonstrate our commitment to the dignity of life from the moment of conception through natural death.

Quite often some people confuse anti-abortion with being pro-life. They say, “I’m against killing fetuses, but I support the execution of some criminals.” Yet the Church and the Gospels teach that all life is sacred. No one, except God, is permitted to determine when someone’s life should end. Each of us is called to support the preservation of human life, even when it appears that that life should cease to exist. As Catholics, we need to stand up for the needs of the most vulnerable in our society whether they are the unborn, the sickly or the elderly.

I’m amazed (and saddened) when people are more concerned about the plight of a baby seal or a beached whale than they are about a fellow human being. The media gives a lot of attention to these so called “human interest stories” because people are moved to get involved. For example, whales have been beaching themselves for thousands of years, yet when some people hear that a whale has beached itself, they feel the need to get involved to return the animal to the sea. If only they would be similarly moved at the sight of a homeless person, a poor person or a person not yet born.

Despite the fact that there were almost five hundred thousand people (many of them young) demonstrating their commitment to life, the media gave scant attention. But had there been a hurt animal somewhere, we would have been receiving frequent up-to-the-minute updates.

Some good did come out of the March for Life: The people who attended heard some great homilies and speeches. They saw that there were many other people like themselves who have a sincere desire to end abortion and promote the sanctity of life. Though it was cold, our minds and hearts burned with the love of God.

May each of us continue to promote the culture of life in our homes and workplaces. The March for Life is not just a rally; rather, it should be a flash point for real action and conversion which bears much fruit.

Through the intercession of Mary and all the saints, may we become instruments and catalysts for change and growth, leading others to promote the sanctity of life by which our nation will become stronger and richer.

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Written by
Msgr John Kasza