Archive: June 2011

Hang On To Your Hat: College Costs are On the Way Up

Hang On To Your Hat: College Costs are On the Way Up

The rising cost of college threatens to put higher education out of reach for most Americans.  College tuition and fees have increased 439% from 1982 to 2007 while the median family income rose by about 140% during the same period and these figures...

Common Sense Comes to CUA, But…

On June 13 of this year, the president of the Catholic University of America, John Garvey, announced that next fall’s incoming freshman class would be housed in single-sex dorms. In other words, males would live in all-male dorms while females would...

On Visitations, Responsibility, and The Future

On Visitations, Responsibility, and The Future

During the month of June, the Church celebrates the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For many of us, the story of Mary’s visit with her cousin Elizabeth is well known. To make this visit, we are informed that our Blessed Mother traveled...

The Source and Summit of Our Lives

On this last Sunday of June, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (aka Corpus Christi). We are called to reflect upon our intimate relationship with Jesus who invites us to partake of His Body and Blood as...

As August Nears, Prepare for Weeping and Hand Wringing

As August Nears, Prepare for Weeping and Hand Wringing

I suspect that we will have some all night Congressional sessions as the debt ceiling crisis gets closer.  There are no easy answers but Congress has to stop spending money it does not have.  There will be no happy people in our country as cuts have...

Corpus Christi Leads Us to Eternity

In your imagination I’d like you to take you with me back to an upper room somewhere in Jerusalem. It’s nighttime and there is a tense, ominous silence in the dark streets. Covering it all is the looming shadow of the Roman Emperor, the...

Small Things

Small Things

Small things. What do they matter? According to the tabloids, not much, especially given the media led focus upon the larger than life world of celebrities, movie stars, sports figures, and billionaires. Given these “worldly images of...
