Ladies and Gentlemen:
It appears that my Inaugural Pamphlet, poor as it may have been, has solicited some small measure of Enthusiasm on the part of its few readers and has, indeed, inspired one of them to put pen to paper. As a result, I am in receipt of a letter from one Sal Magundi who, on the occasion of the President’s cabinet selection, found it proper and fitting to communicate with me, your own Humble Author, his questions and observations.
Although I look forward to sharing my own thoughts with you very soon, I believe it will provide some opportunity for healthy discussion to offer Mr. Magundi’s letter for public consideration.
I sincerely hope it as its intended consequences. Read on.
Humble Author.
Dear Humble,
I was told by the news people on TV that the Republican Party is too old, too white, and too male. They also told me that they are all too rich to connect with me. Then the other day they told me that there were no women in the President’s Cabinet, and no African Americans from the Democrat Party in the Senate.
I think that they might be confused. Do you know any of the people who do the news on TV? They say Republican but I think they mean Democrat. If you do know them, could you share the list I made below? I think it might help them understand.
-Sal Magundi.
Vice President of the United States
Joe Biden
70-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – $500,000 (I think they call him “Poor Joe”)
Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid
72-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – $5 million
Senate Majority Whip
Dick Durbin
68-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – $1.2 million
House Minority Whip
Steny Hoyer
73-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – could not find
U.S. Treasury Secretary
Timothy F. Geithner
51-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – $2 million
White House Chief of Staff
Jack Lew
57-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – could not find: however, previously office oversaw a $54.3 billion Citigroup unit that profited off the housing collapse and financial crisis
Top White House Aide(s)
Nine of the top ten aids to the Obama White House are white males. I’m just sayin’…
Governor of California
Jerry Brown
74-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – $4 million
Governor of New York
Andrew Cuomo
54-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – $2 million
Governor of Minnesota
Mark Dayton
65-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – estimated $3 to $12 million
Governor of…
well, in point of fact there’s only one female Democrat serving as a Governor right now – and she is white. All the rest are men and only one is black.
Mayor of New York
Michael Bloomberg
70-year-old white male independent, governing as a Democrat
Net worth – $25 billion
Mayor of Chicago
Rahm Emanuel
52-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – $14 million
MSNBC Political Commentator
Chris Matthews
66-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – $16 million
Political Commentator
Bill Maher
56-year –old white male Democrat
Net Worth – $23 million
Filmmaker and Activist
Michael Moore
58-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – $58 million
Political Strategist
James Carville
68-year-old white male Democrat
Net worth – $5 million
Bill Clinton
Al Gore
George Soros
Bruce Springsteen
George Clooney
Jay Leno
Matt Lauer
Anderson Cooper
Arron Sorkin
A whole bunch of other rich, old, white males…