Three women went to a tomb just outside the city limits of Jerusalem in the morning of the day after Jesus of Nazareth, at a place named Golgotha, had been horribly crucified as a criminal and his body buried in a nearby garden owned by a wealthy...
This week we walk with Christ into the mystery of evil. Our Blessed Lord knows suffering. All who suffer now have Him with them. He suffers with us, we suffer with Him. The big question that bothers us all is this: “Why is there evil in the first...
In the Book of Genesis (22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18), the author tells us that God put Abraham to the test. To be honest with you, I have a problem with that. My question is why would God need to test Abraham? Moreover, why would God need to test any one of...
You and I have prayed The Lord’s Prayer countless numbers of times. In it we always ask God to “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” Some translations of that famous prayer have it “and subject us not into the trial.” Just what is...
A beautiful and simple story from the Old Testament is given in the First Book of Samuel (3:3-10, 19). A young boy apprenticing with an old priest, Eli, is awakened by a voice, perhaps a voice he heard in a dream. He thinks Eli is calling him. Eli...
The readings for the Baptism of the Lord (Isaiah 55:1-11; 1 John 5:1-9; Mark 1:7-11) raise the question: “Why Baptism?” “What does it do for us?” Throughout the centuries many answers have been put forward. For instance when I was a young boy...
Today we continue our Christmas celebration with a consideration of the Holy Family. This feast has the same first two readings every year but one of three different Gospels. The first reading is always the reading from Sirach (3:2-6, 12-14) about...
One of the most important needs we have in life is to receive respect and esteem from others, no matter how high or lowly our position may be on the ladder of social importance. This is a good and legitimate need. Humility does not mean being a door...