While I was a student at Holy Redeemer High School in Southwest Detroit, conducted by the sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary from Monroe Michigan, I became familiar with the march of the French in the expulsion of the Acadians (1755-1763) from...
With some recent exceptions, since the 1920s, a federal government fiscal pattern had developed that was a pleasant one for the body politic. The pattern displayed was one in which tax revenues rose at a greater rate over time than did federal...
…It doesn’t’ seem to be the case, despite all the legislative efforts to the contrary. In fact, there are growing signs that our once reputedly ‘greatest financial system in the world’ is rapidly moving from dynamic and agile to one crawling at a...
St. James (2:14-26) make it very clear when he states that without works, faith is meaningless. But this is an exhortation to the doer of the works. It is not a plea to the able-bodied ‘do-ees’ to succumb to that of dependency to maximize the...
Could the sun be rising on a dawn of energy independence for the U.S.? An abundance of usable energy, especially when converted into electricity, is the key to the economic advancement of society. The lack of cohesion in the energy policy of the U.S...
Instead of the election campaigning focusing on tax returns of the candidates, it should be centered on the economic implications of income redistribution versus economic growth. Likewise, our energy policies should be focused on debating policies...
The pricing of a product to buyers is as much of a science as it is an art. The former Big Three of the U.S. automotive industry, at least GM and Chrysler, failed partly due to a disastrous pricing policy. Many institutions in academia are...
In a July 6, 2012 article from Investors.com entitled, Disability climbs faster than jobs under Obama, author John Merline notes: “The economy created just 80,000 jobs in June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. But that same...