The standard way of entering the New Year is with a list of resolutions we intend to keep but end up breaking rather quickly. Instead of that futile approach, I think I’ll just make a list of things that puzzle me. Why do grown men accept the new...
Depression is estimated to cost Americans more than $210 billion dollars each year in medication to treat depression. Depression is widespread and getting worse. Just the cost in the decline in the quality of life is enough to make one depressed...
“Dilly Dilly” is certainly silly. A medieval king demanding that his subjects pay homage with cases of Bud Light, leading them in that strange toast and then, more ominously, having a subject who brings him aged whiskey dragged off, presumably to...
Let’s stop using the birth of Christ as an excuse to expand the economy. Increasingly today, nobody cares about December 25th. Rather, it has become just a day for retailers to restock shelves with goods that they have in inventory in hopes of...
Regarding today’s advertising, I often wish that I had the time to put all these “great deals” in a magazine and mail it out to consumers. The problem is that the consumer is either not given all the information, the offer does not state the...
In my article, Things That Baffle, I focused on things that really bug me. But now, I would like to add to that list. Maybe some of you have the same feelings. Did you ever go on Yahoo and read some of their “news articles?” It used to be an...
Is Christmas getting to be a celebration for the wealthy? It may not be too far from the truth. Between the shopping frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday to the last minute sales just before Christmas, the American commercialization of Christmas...
Mark Twain once remarked: “When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it happened or not; but I am getting old, and soon I shall remember only the latter.” From birth until natural death, our experiences meld us into the persons we have...