In the aftermath of August 25, 1900, some clever person probably added, signed God, to the notice of Friedrick Nietzsche’s death. After all, it was the controversial German philosopher who had declared that God was dead. However too many thinkers...
I used to write a blog, presumptively called The Gospel Truth for about five years. In thumbing through some old notes, I stumbled over an essay I wrote about 14 years ago. It still speaks to me and I hope my readers on this venue will find some...
In 1962 and 1963, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a pair of rulings that forbade praying or reading the Bible in public schools. Since those decisions, teen pregnancy has gone up by 700%, sexually transmitted diseases are at an all-time high, the...
In the introduction to his book, The Twilight of Atheism, Aleister McGrath referenced Winston Churchill’s 1943 speech at Harvard University where he predicted that the empires of the future will be empires of the mind. Ideologies would rule the...
Atheism is reportedly on the rise in America. Exact numbers are hard to determine, partly because many atheists prefer to keep their disbelief to themselves. Given the suspicion and resentment shown by some religious people, that choice is not...
I don’t know how many people are aware of it but atheism — make that militant atheism — has been on the rise in the United States for years. Perhaps it was all the years of the religious right and the strident battles over abortion and the...