Each day, it is hard to put everything in perspective when you read the news. With stories that are scattered all over the map being mixed in with other miscellaneous “garbage,” the news seems hardly news at all. As our government...
It will not come from a war with North Korea or with Iran. It will come from within. The United States is deep in debt. It is bankrupt. We have done nothing and continue to do nothing to correct our $20 trillion dollar debt and annual out of budget...
The American left, led by President Barack Obama, his heir-apparent Hillary Clinton and union/Soros-financed radical social activists, has brought the nation to moral bankruptcy and dangerous racial unrest. If you think this statement is just right...
In a letter to his daughter, Thomas Jefferson wrote this about debt: “Be assured that it gives much more pain to the mind to be in debt, than to do without any article whatever which we may seem to want.” More than a century later, while...
Well, my friends I have got some bad news for you. Yes it can. And I am referring to the sad and horrible events in Greece. After the 2008 financial crises, every country in Europe entered a recession, but because Greece was one of the poorest and...
To the astute reader, the signs are popping up all over and the long term economic future is looking dim. Under current law as of May 16th, the United States Treasury will be at the statutory borrowing limit and will need to use so-called...