As I noted in “Overcoming Our Social Chaos” and “A Layman’s Memo to Catholic Prelates” the future of both Catholic Church and Western Civilization will largely depend on the prelates’ willingness to meet their leadership responsibilities. The...
One of G.K. Chesterton’s most profound statements was this: “A thinking man must always attack the strongest thing in his time. For the strongest thing is always too strong.” The insight it offers is as relevant and valuable today as it...
The fourth meeting of “Popular Movements “was held in October, 2021 and sponsored by “People Improving Communities through Organizing” (PICO), the Vatican, and the “Catholic Campaign for Human Development,” an organ of the U.S. Conference of...
President Biden has made clear his belief that everyone has a moral obligation to receive the Covid vaccine. The refusal of many citizens to act accordingly has, in his view, put the health of many Americans at risk. He therefore signed an executive...
A Guide to Improving Shepherding Part 1 showed how the Bishops’ championing of Muslim migration and support of the foes of American democracy advance Political Correctness more than Gospel. Part 2 demonstrated that their...
Part I of this essay introduced the fable of the Nearsighted Shepherd and likened his situation to that of the Catholic Bishops (USCCB) whose attention has inexplicably wandered from tending their own flocks to tending Muslim...
A Cautionary Fable Once upon a time, there was a nearsighted shepherd who mistook another flock for his own and began tending them. That flock’s shepherd at first felt offended, but then realized that if the other shepherd did his work, he...
The sheep and shepherds metaphor is a central one in Christianity. It is found in both the Old Testament and the New: “Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, (Isa. 40:11),” “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . ...