Tag: Catholicism

The Befuddling Concept of Infallibility

Catholicism is the only religion that formally claims infallibility for its leaders. Infallibility is defined as being “exempt from error in judgment, knowledge, or opinion.” The term derives from Medieval Latin, dates from the early fifteenth...

Musical Therapy

I apologize to the “burnouts” and those who wore “Rush” t-shirts as fashion statements growing up. I judged you. I should have been judging me. In that era, if I rocked, it was to the Doobie Brothers without even knowing what a “doobie” was. I...

Why I Remain Catholic

Not long ago a friend asked me why, with all the scandal and disappointment within the hierarchy in the Catholic Church, I haven’t left and joined a church more in keeping with the Gospel? “After all,” he added, “you yourself have lamented these...

When the President Met the Pope

On November 1, All Saints Day, the Catholic News Service reported on President Biden’s visit with Pope Francis. I’ll begin with a background note, then examine what the participants said about the meeting, and, finally, consider what message it sent...

UFOs and Catholic Faith

We’ve heard about UFOs for more than half a century but they were always depicted as being explainable things like weather balloons or products of people’s overactive imaginations. But now there is evidence that they were and are very real phenomena...

Catholicism: Can the Decline Be Reversed?

That the Catholic Church has been losing numbers for decades has been well established. Why the loss has occurred, however, is not as clear. One might expect that Church leaders would be interested in finding the answer and sharing it with their...

Advice to a Disenchanted Catholic

A reader recently offered this (paraphrased) comment on an essay of mine: “Your essay and others like it leave me frustrated. They talk about the impact of Modernism, the failures of U.S. bishops and Pope Francis, sexual abuse by priests, financial...
