For the last half of my life, I have read about forecasts of robots eliminating millions of jobs. With the recent advent of AI or Artificial Intelligence those predictions have attained a distinct reality. They seem to be threatening several...
There is a truism in science dating back several centuries that states the book of science is always open. Man-made global warming a.k.a. climate change, thanks to erstwhile President Barack Obama, is the first and the only scientific issue where...
Pope Francis has issued a challenge to traditional Catholics by welcoming prominent population-control advocates such as Paul Ehrlich to speak before the Pontifical Academy of Sciences earlier this year. This invitation was extended in the context...
A recent casual conversation with the owner of a local bicycle shop turned into a polemic on his part about global warming. Without any prodding from me, he suddenly declared that “last summer was the hottest summer in history in the Detroit area.”...
There is a truism in science dating back several centuries that states the book of science is always open. Man-Made Global Warming a.k.a. Climate Change is the first and the only scientific issue where the book has been not only shut but also locked...
I don’t remember a lot about my grade school years, but, for some strange reason, I do recall a map in my geography book showing the extent of a huge ice cap that once extended from the North Pole to just above the southern border of the United...