Tag: Commandments

Our Happiness and Salvation Depend on Love

There have been some rather strange laws passed in different cities and states during our nation’s history. For instance, at one time in Maryland it was illegal to hold your nose closed for longer than a second. In North Carolina it was forbidden to...

Eternal Goalposts

I’ve long been a spectator of hockey and football. With hockey, the ability to drive a puck past a goaltender into a 6-foot-wide net defines victory; it makes the difference between winning and losing. With football, while...

A Bureaucrat’s Nightmare

The National Archives in Washington, D.C. has an excellent online gift store. Recently, I stumbled across a collection of “red tape” souvenirs in the form of pendants and cufflinks and paperweights. The words on the paperweight are interesting:...

The Bridge Commandment

When I learned the Ten Commandments back in grade school, I was taught the 4th Commandment as simply: “Honor thy father and thy mother.” But on Mt. Sinai when God gave Moses the Commandments, He said: “Honor your father and your mother, that you may...

But Why Was it Wrong?

The now infamous eleven-year-old video of Donald Trump has critically wounded his candidacy. Whether it is a mortal wound is yet to be determined. The media claim that they are appalled by Trump’s language and his apparent attitude toward women...

Fulfilling God’s Law

Fulfilling God’s Law

In the Gospel of Matthew (5:17-37), Jesus engages his disciples in a process known as “exegesis” which is an explanation or elucidation of a particular text of scripture. Jesus addresses some of the difficult aspects of Mosaic law: killing...

Keep Holy the Sabbath

Several years ago, someone coined the phrase “Creasters” for those Catholics, and I use the word Catholic loosely here, who choose to attend Mass twice a year – to remember the Birth and Resurrection of Christ.  I absolutely do not understand their...