During a small dinner gathering in Michigan during the late 1990’s, Ronald Reagan’s Attorney General, Edwin Meese, answered questions following a brief speech on policy. One question posed was, “Does the continued growth of the national debt offer...
Our Congress operates without a balanced budget. In fact they operate without a budget at all. Congressional bills and spending authorizations flow through the House and Senate and decisions are made on each— independent of any reference to...
It is hard to imagine any President of the United States being able to fulfill all the demands that the American people have placed before him or her. Some 500,000 women marched on Washington, D.C. to let President Trump know that women have rights...
The Republicans along with the Democrats will have to address some sticky issues going forward. Something has to be done with the Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Act (a.k.a. Social Security) as the program will no longer have the funds...
You can see them walking singly, in pairs, or in large groups, moving like zombies, looking down at their cell phones as if in a trance. They cross lawns and driveways, step into moving traffic, roam through parks and college campuses, and enter...
Every politician elected to Congress should be required to take a mandatory course in macroeconomics before he or she can even run for office. The second mandatory change I would propose would be a balanced budget by Congress and the President...