Tag: Faithfulness

Expectant Faith

Faith is mentioned more than 200 times in the Bible. Faith moves mountains. Faith transforms us into the image of Christ. When we are going through trials and tribulations, our human nature wants to control the situation, fix it and make it go away...

Keeping the Faith

I join with millions of Catholics, who are disturbed by the growing division within the American Catholic Church. With apologies to Billy Joel, Keeping the Faith is much more difficult when many of our leaders, including the Pope, are mudding the...

The Bread of Life

Gigantic strides have been made in science and medicine in the last one hundred years. Yet, over the same period of time, our sources of fear and apprehension seem to have remained the same or even increased  on account of new scary diseases with no...

The Polish-Australian Legacy of Saint JP2

Given that 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of St. John Paul II, local Catholics are reflecting on a Pope who still remains a “spiritual compass” 15 years after his death. His demise was an irreparable loss not only for Polish...

What Is This Produce That We Owe God?

All parables should give us long pauses; this one (Mt 21:33-43), on the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, is personalized and aimed at each one of us, directly, unequivocally. The first time it was told, Jesus directed it to the chief priests, elders of...

Faith in Action

One day, an expert of the law asked Jesus about the greatest commandment; and Jesus answered by pointing out that there were actually two: “to love God with our total self and to love our neighbor as ourselves.” He also added that the second was...

In a Spiritual Sense, Each of Us is a Farmer

I grew up on a farm, and so the Gospel verses from Matthew (13:1-23) about a farmer sowing seed brings back certain memories and reflections.  My father, his three brothers, and one of his brothers-in-law, were all farmers in southeast Michigan, and...

Mr. Fixit?

On the 5th Sunday of Easter, as a Community of Faith, today we go over Jesus’ farewell speech, the words he spoke the night before his death (John 14: 1-12). They are words of comfort, among the best ever spoken by a friend to his friends. But they...
