In 1915, American poet Robert Frost wrote “The Road Not Taken,” a poem that has ever since been among the world’s favorites. Here is the full text: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler, long I...
An old Scottish nursery rhyme suggests that names or in a more general sense, words can never hurt anyone. It misses the point that language can be carefully crafted to control and manipulate an entire population into a state of social conformity...
“A long time ago a lighthouse sat along a dangerous stretch of coastline. A man was put in charge of this lighthouse. When he was first assigned as lighthouse keeper, he was given just enough fuel oil to last him one month, and he was told to keep...
Twenty years before Roe v. Wade rocked American culture those two names were extremely important to me. In 1953, Elwin Preacher Roe and Benjamin Wade were stalwarts on the Brooklyn Dodgers’ pitching staff. In the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, Norma...