Tag: George Soros

The Absentee Cat

I really do not have a predilection for cats. In fact I am not crazy about most members of the animal kingdom. But there are a few really great metaphoric uses for cats. While I have already written about the Cat and our lost curiosity, this essay...

The Soros Effect

George Soros is a controversial financier accused by conservatives of undermining entire economies and defended by progressives as a misunderstood philanthropist. Born in Hungary, his Jewish family escaped Hitler’s concentration camps and...

The Puppet Master

The movie industry has had a lucrative field day with the idea of a powerful overseer manipulating weaker humans to spread terror over an entire population. In 1986 Hollywood embarked on what became a serial of horror movies, entitled The Puppet...

George Soros and World Disorder

Hungarian-born multi-billionaire George Soros has spun an immense web of left-wing organizations and groups intent on transforming the world. The list of the organizations he finances extends over two single-spaced pages. They are active in the...