Tag: Healing

God’s Healing Love and Mercy

Over the past 50 years, I have learned that God’s love and mercy is beyond anything we can comprehend or grasp. It is Catholic teaching that when we pray to the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus, there is healing...

The Heart of the Matter

My mind sometimes wanders back to losses. Some people make their love a contest that I am destined to lose. Some drink enough alcohol that they cause pain they don’t even remember. People wander off or stomp off. One of the most devastating losses...

Seeking God’s Healing

In my years ministering as a permanent deacon, one thing I regularly emphasize is the healing power of God. Whatever wounds we have, whether they are physical, spiritual, emotional or psychological, we need to seek His healing through our faith, all...

A Most Beautiful Garden

To better appreciate our gospel passage (Mark 1:40-45) for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, I was thinking of the emotions which, most certainly, would grip the heart of a person with an irresistible passion for gardening and who, one morning, wakes...

Healing Our Wounds and Memories

As we read the Scriptures, we learn that it is God’s wish for us that we live a life of grace, a life of healing and a life of abundance. Jesus wants to heal us emotionally and heal our deepest wounds and memories. But an obstacle to this...

Mercy and Healing of Memories

So many of us are paralyzed by memories in our past. Many times it is in our childhood or perhaps hurt from the loss of a relationship or death of someone we love.   How do we respond to hurt in our past? If you are similar to me, you might just...

Mercy and Family Healing

Don’t give up!  Don’t give up!  Don’t give up! Don’t give up on your family. God’s love and mercy are bigger than your family challenges! No matter what your situation is with your family, whatever the circumstances, God is greater than your...

Forgiveness Through Inner Healing- Part 2

It is important that we build spiritual muscle. One of the critical areas for us is the sacraments. We can’t have the forgiveness we need within our minds unless we are healed through the sacraments. This is especially true for the Sacrament of...