Many years ago, during a semester when I was teaching a course in Business Ethics, I walked into the office of my department chair (a Catholic gentleman) and, in jest, mentioned that I had assigned an article that I had read while a student at...
One of the major issues in bioethics continues to be when a being has “rights.” This is referred to as having “moral status.” For example, if you argue that a child in the womb has no moral status, aborting such a life has less challenges. Abortion...
This past week I attended a presentation that left me with chills and a sense of horror. A local Detroit group, Night Angels, gave a presentation about the scourge of human trafficking. Founded by Mel and Twyla Baggett, Night Angels is a Christian...
Covid-19 is still with us as we begin the year 2021. Who would have thought one year ago that we would still be immersed in this crisis? I remember the initial call to lock down and stay at home. Give it three weeks, we were told, and we will stop...
One does not have to spend much time listening to the news of late to hear how our politicians will “follow the science.” Of course, this translates to “follow the science that promotes our agenda…” Full disclosure, I am a chemist. I believe in the...
My friend and I were standing in front of Cobo Hall in Detroit recently to protest the 2017 Women’s Convention going on inside. Planned Parenthood was one of the sponsors of this event, and so we, along with about a hundred fellow pro-lifers, were...
“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” (Amendment XIV, Section 1)...
Traditionally, most Americans placed a high value on personal responsibility. They believed people should provide for themselves by working hard, living within their means, and saving money for unexpected needs, notably illness. At the same time...