Recently, this writer came across an interesting letter while researching the subject of Catholic immigration into the United States from other countries in the mid-19th century. On April 18, 1856, the Bishop of Pittsburgh, the Rt. Reverend Michael...
A good friend and I have been having an email debate about what should be done about illegal aliens. My position is rather straightforward: Build an effective wall along the border between Mexico and the United States, have a five-year moratorium on...
The immigration crisis became all too visible this summer with the flood of tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing the U.S. southern border. Americans’ hearts went out to the plight of these children. Although many of these immigrants...
In June, 2014, speaking for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Bishop Mark Seitz testified before the House Judiciary Committee on the undocumented immigration crisis. In published form, that testimony runs 15 pages. Criticizing a...