Tag: Inflation

Markets and Their Day of Reckoning

A worse-than-expected inflation report released Friday spooked the Federal Reserve into contemplating steeper-than-expected interest rate hikes on Monday. That in turn spooked traders into a stock sell-off, driving the S&P 500 into a bear market...

Napkin Math to Explain Inflation

Legend has it that back in 1974 Arthur Laffer explained supply side economics on a napkin and the Laffer Curve was born. He concluded the napkin with, “the consequences are obvious!” In that particular case, it was that when you tax something more...

Why Your Summer Vacation is Looking More Expensive

Every summer I take a couple of vacations with my family—a short one to the Wisconsin Dells with my brothers-in-law and their families, and a longer one to a random destination with my college buddies and their families. These are some of my...

Massive Inflation May Be Coming

The federal government is moving into the final stages of its fiscal life. Deficits have gotten so enormous that the Federal Reserve simply prints the money the government needs. Why? Because that’s the only option left on the table. For years, we...

Why the Fed’s Panic Over Inflation?

The economy of the U.S. of A. has struggled for the last ten years. To say this, is probably the greatest understatement uttered over the last five centuries or so. It started with the real estate fiasco and the resulting financial crisis and...

Are We Heading For A Period Of Skyrocketing Inflation?

Are We Heading For A Period Of Skyrocketing Inflation?

Yes, my friends, I think it is just around the corner. Inflation is a steady increase in the prices of goods and services in a country, usually measured in terms of a specific annual percentage. This decreases the purchasing power of a currency by...
