An interesting line from the Book of Acts has always struck my imagination and spoke deeply and voluminously to my heart. In his heartfelt speech at the house of the pagan Cornelius who precisely after this Spirit anointed witness converted to...
In the early 1900s, Anthony, a young Italian immigrant to the United States, was being screened at New York’s Ellis Island. In those days, one requirement for entry into the country was having at least twenty dollars to ensure that you could support...
On a warm Thursday evening one summer, a man named Rick was playing catch in the back yard with his eight-year-old son Jared. Rick could tell something was on Jared’s mind, but he waited until his son was ready to bring it up. Finally Jared asked...
One night, over 125 years ago, there was a fierce storm in the city of Philadelphia, with a strong wind and driving rain. An elderly man and woman entered a small hotel after midnight, and asked the clerk, “Could you possibly give us a room for the...
Since the election many of my liberal friends seem to have overcome their compulsion to lecture me on what a horrible human being Donald J. Trump is, was, and ever will be, and to recite a litany of ways in which he had ruined our country...
Once there was an elderly woman named Mrs. Gunderson who lived in a big house near the edge of town. The house was run down, because she was too weak to take care of it properly; she tried her best to maintain it, but it was more than she could...
America is on fire. Protestors are burning flags. Rioters are burning cars. And people are metaphorically burning bridges, rendering it impossible to speak across the chasm of political difference. It’s time to pause in burning down our national...
Over 100 years ago the great Russian author Leo Tolstoy wrote a much-loved story called Where Love Is, God Is . The hero of the story is an old cobbler, or shoemaker, who one night dreamt that Jesus told him, “Tomorrow I will visit you in your shop...