A wise old farmer was visiting a friend who lived in the city, and after dinner—because it was a nice evening—they decided to a take a walk over to the park. To reach it, though, they first had to go down a crowded sidewalk along a busy street...
How much time do we spending thinking about all the things we could do if we did not have to work “9 to 5” each day? I have always been a planner. I enrolled in programs for certifications in areas area that I thought I would like to engage in...
So, they went and saw where Jesus was staying, and they stayed with him that day. (John 1:39) That must have been the best time of their whole life, the time spent “hanging out” with Jesus. This is the ideal picture of discipleship which the Gospel...
Listening to others is fast becoming a lost art. The most common sign of this is refusal to listen to views that oppose our own, but recent years have revealed a more serious sign—demanding that others refrain from listening to...
This is a refrain repeated several times in the recitation of Psalm 95: “If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Today, our Church desires to have us focus on the condition of our heart regarding God’s plan of love and joy for all...
The readings from 1 Kings are one of my favorites because it takes me back to my senior year in high school. I went on a retreat and had what I would call my first real experience of the presence of God. I was sitting out in the woods that...
I love to watch the Nature channel on TV. That’s when I wonder how many scientists can claim that there is no God guiding His creatures to their designated purpose according to His divine plan. How can order and purpose result from randomness...
The 19th century English novelist, William Thackeray, once noted that “Mother is the name for God on the lips and in the hearts of little children.” From the moment of our birth, mothers are “for us” in ways too numerous to...