The 19th century English novelist, William Thackeray, once noted that “Mother is the name for God on the lips and in the hearts of little children.” From the moment of our birth, mothers are “for us” in ways too numerous to...
The first part of this essay noted the reading and listening deficit in America and identified its causes as the brevity and rapid pace of modern communication and the widespread habit of closing our minds to ideas other than our own. It also...
In a recent essay I chastised the Florida Bishops Conference for adding a condemnation of contraception to their condemnation of abortion. My view was that the addition weakened their argument with many Catholics and even more non-Catholics. Three...
In the Book of Exodus, we read of the Israelites departure from Egypt and of their miraculous deliverance by God through Moses. As part of that story, we read of the time when Moses went up on Mount Sinai and was given the Ten Commandments. He...
For decades, E.F. Hutton was one of the most respected financial firms in the United States. While providing investors with solid investing advice, the firm became known for its powerful TV commercials. Their commercials were set at restaurants...
“My name is Pearl. I am a snowy white Turkish Angora cat. When I was a little over one year old, I found myself lost in the woods. I don’t remember how that happened to me. That part of my story remains a mystery to me. But I ended up wandering...
I always get a chuckle when I get an “urgent” email message from my wife. The heading always comes with a highlight telling me to “read the whole message.” My wife knows that along with today’s generation that I, too, have the attention span of a...
Once there was a very good and loving woman who was quite active in her church and community, and constantly involved in volunteer activities and projects. She was always busy, and whenever anyone needed help of some sort, she was quick to respond...