The hatred of Jews is manifest once again in the massacre of hundreds of Israelis, including unborn children slashed from their mother’s wombs and beheaded before their parents’ eyes. Equally disgusting are the gleeful celebrations of that barbarism...
A Guide to Improving Shepherding Part 1 showed how the Bishops’ championing of Muslim migration and support of the foes of American democracy advance Political Correctness more than Gospel. Part 2 demonstrated that their...
Part I of this essay introduced the fable of the Nearsighted Shepherd and likened his situation to that of the Catholic Bishops (USCCB) whose attention has inexplicably wandered from tending their own flocks to tending Muslim...
A Cautionary Fable Once upon a time, there was a nearsighted shepherd who mistook another flock for his own and began tending them. That flock’s shepherd at first felt offended, but then realized that if the other shepherd did his work, he...
For almost two millennia, Christianity has survived innumerable challenges from without, including heresies, schisms and philosophical “isms,” as well as more than a few challenges from within. But the most dangerous challenge of all may be one that...
Few subjects are capable of generating as much mistaken analysis, misguided beliefs, and fuzzy thinking as religion—and exactly six years ago we had a prime example. A Christian minister with his own radio program announced to the world that the so...