G. K. Chesterton once commented on his experience of returning home after a trip to another country. He suddenly saw familiar things from a different perspective and with renewed appreciation for good things. Such experiences still happen...
If you spend any time reading the news today, it is easy to get frustrated over what I call partial news, incomplete news, slanted/bias news, and just plain garbage news. So much of what we read today is either incomplete or so slanted that it is...
Each day, it is hard to put everything in perspective when you read the news. With stories that are scattered all over the map being mixed in with other miscellaneous “garbage,” the news seems hardly news at all. As our government...
The News Channel Network is comprised of over 200 exclusive city sites that feature local and national news, entertainment, weather, and sports for each city. In addition to these domestic news channels, the Network has an additional 300...
In my article, Things That Baffle, I focused on things that really bug me. But now, I would like to add to that list. Maybe some of you have the same feelings. Did you ever go on Yahoo and read some of their “news articles?” It used to be an...
Many Americans have discontinued their local paper and have stopped watching the news on a regular basis. As we know, the newspapers are a “day late and a dollar short” when it comes to reporting the news. With the Internet and a dozen news...