Tag: Obamacare

If You Like This Chaos, Just Wait

Our Congress operates without a balanced budget. In fact they operate without a budget at all. Congressional bills and spending authorizations flow through the House and Senate and decisions are made on each— independent of any reference to...

Compassion On a One-Way Street

When my mother was dying of cancer, one of my brothers and I decided to pay for twenty-four-hour nursing care in her home. What little insurance she had did not provide such coverage. We did not want her to die in a hospital, or, worse yet, in a...

Obamacare’s Collision With Religious Liberty

The original United States Constitution and Bill of Rights included two basic principles which the Founding Fathers believed were essential to the preservation of liberty for the new nation: constraint of centralized power and assurance of religious...

Enjoying Your Obamelet?

Obamelet is an apt metaphor for the President’s transformation of the economy. It recalls Vladimir Lenin’s statement, made 75 years ago in reference to the Great Famine in Ukraine:  “If you want to make an omelet, you must be willing to break a few...