On Palm Sunday we commemorate liturgically Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. This event in the life of Jesus is mentioned by every evangelist, that is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Palm Sunday kicks up the Holy Week. Hence its importance is...
This is hardly the first time we heard the reading of the Passion narrative on Palm Sunday. Is the shock wearing off? After all, we hang the Crucifix anywhere we intend to find signs of his love; we even wear it around our neck. However, even if, by...
There is something unique about Holy Week. We all know that. Yet, this year we feel we have been robbed of special grace-filled times and opportunities because the doors of our churches are closed. We know that, starting with Palm Sunday, we should...
The palm-tree is called in Hebrew tarmr, and in Greek phœnix. It is a dioecious tree, and belongs to the natural order Palmaceae. The plants of this interesting family are characterized by their tall, usually unbranched stems; their pinnate or fan...
This Holy Week can bring us much spiritual benefit though our decision to live out a shocking utterance that Jesus said during the Last Supper, only hours before His horrific death on the cross. Here it is… John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the...
The opening prayer of Palm Sunday makes a lot of sense if we want to benefit spiritually from this Holy Week: Almighty ever-living God, who as an example of humility for the human race to follow caused our Savior to take flesh and submit to the...
Palm Sunday must be the most opportune day for us to assess how much of Jesus’ teachings we have come to live by. Or, from another angle, Palm Sunday is the best day to assess how much the world’s ways still rule us. No matter which passion...
People remember the last days of their loved ones. Whether their mother or father, son or daughter, husband or wife, had been sick for a long time, or whether they died suddenly in an accident, those who remain can tell you in detail whatever...