I once knew an older woman whose favorite color was red. Her first-ever car was a red convertible; when she wore lipstick, it was always bright red, instead of a softer shade, and when watching football on TV, if one team was wearing red uniforms...
Fierce attacks have been, and are, directed mostly against the Catholic Church by those who are hellbent on replacing reality, nature, truth, decency, and common sense with crazy ideologies inspired by the prince of darkness. Satan’s minions know...
We should keep in mind that not only the solemnity of the Ascension, but also the solemnity of Pentecost can be correctly understood only within the context of the mystical Body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the Head and all of us are the...
If we, westerners, had been in the Upper Room on the morning of Pentecost Day we would have had a hard time trying to sort things out and decipher God’s message. Not so for the disciples gathered in it with the Blessed Mother. They were all Jews;...
Pentecost is a meta-historical event. It transcends our world of time and space. It opens our world to eternal reality. It helps us go into the hub of reality: the Holy Spirit’s presence in the Church. In this sense, the icon of the Pentecost is a...
On Pentecost Sunday, we are invited to stop and impress upon ourselves how every single aspect of our life, at all levels, from the biological to the supernatural, is brought into existence, guided and activated by the Holy Spirit. The fact that we...
If you know anything about the history of college football, and especially if you’re a Michigan Wolverines fan, you’ve probably heard of Tom Harmon. Over seventy years ago, he was a star running back at the University of Michigan, winning honors as...
Pentecost is the birthday of the Church! Its conception had been very quiet: from the side of the first Adam asleep, Eve, the mother of humanity, came forth. From the opened side of Jesus, asleep in death, on mount Calvary, mother Church was...