A number of years ago, I was having a pleasant conversation with a neighbor’s little girl. She could not have been much more than six-years-old. She started talking about her parents, who I knew pretty well. Unexpectedly, she said in a moment of...
President Biden’s plan to forgive student loans has prompted a national discussion, and the Jesuit publication America Magazine has offered its view, titled “The Biblical Case for Forgiving Student Loan Debt.” The essay did not offer a...
The fissure in the Republican Party dates back, at least, to the nomination of Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater for president in 1964. The last presidential election underscored just how broad that split has gotten, one that has been festering for...
Not since the American Civil War has such boundless hatred been so widespread, especially in our political culture. This new-emerging atmosphere of vitriol reminded me of the maiden season of the one of the many attempts at creating yet another...
One of the great ironies of the hysteria over the Charlottesville melee is the audacity of the Left proclaiming to hold the high moral ground. Because President Trump supposedly did not condemn the KKK, the White Supremacists, and the Nazis clearly...
Left-wing anti-Trump hysteria is reaching a fever point. It is seen in small incidents such as Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) causing a scene at a fancy New York City restaurant by yelling at a Trump supporter, or progressive groups warning that Trump...
Hollywood actress Meryl Streep’s tirade against Donald Trump and Republicans in general at the January 2017 Golden Globe awards ceremony drew the ire of conservatives and got her the publicity she wanted as a progressive activist. This speech will...
The now infamous eleven-year-old video of Donald Trump has critically wounded his candidacy. Whether it is a mortal wound is yet to be determined. The media claim that they are appalled by Trump’s language and his apparent attitude toward women...