Tag: Psalms

I Lost It

I love the Psalms of Lent, especially Psalm 137. Known as the “Psalm of Exile” or “By the Waters of Babylon,” this psalm comes from the 6th century BC. This was the time of the Babylonian exile; the Jews are lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem...

Using the Psalms Among the Sick

Pastoral care with the sick has no expiry date. Every circumstance, hard as it is and may be, direly calls for the person and those around him/her to be cared for. In effect, pastoral care can be translated into a relationship that encompasses both...

His Heart is The Strength of Your Heart

Following the Feast of Corpus Christi we joyfully celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus! It is the Feast of that heart which, as we pray in the Office of Readings Hymn, is the hope of sinners here.  Who of us is not a...

Pray the Psalms

I like to blame my public school upbringing for many of my Catholic deficiencies. Yes, it is a weak excuse for my lax efforts, but nevertheless it is what comes to mind when I think about how little I know about the Psalms. Growing up, the Psalms...
