Tag: Purgatory

Uncertain Truths

I recently came across a memorable article from my archives. According to an old issue of the New York Times Clive James was dying but as I remember it, he was very good-natured about it. Once a three-fisted drinker and smoker, Mr. James, 75, was...

Our Sister, Bodily Death

“Praised may You be, my Lord, through our Sister, Bodily Death, from whom no living man can escape.” These inspiring lyrics may be found in the famous Canticle of the Sun composed by St. Francis of Assissi (+1226). Those who have lived or stayed for...

Our Eternal Destiny

Once there was a priest—we’ll call him Father Smith—who heard that the neighboring Catholic parish had a newly-painted mural dedicated to the souls in purgatory; the pastor there commissioned it as a way of reminding his parishioners to pray on a...

The Womb of My Catholic Imagination

The imagination is the eye of the soul. –Joseph Joubert I think Catholic writers have a distinct advantage over atheists or people of other faiths. This is true because the Catholic Church has a 2000-year history that transcends the material...

Maccabees and Prayers for the Dead

The first reading for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time is from the Second Book of Maccabees. First and Second Maccabees are sections of the Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament that we don’t meet up with much. I thought I’d like to present them to you...

There Is Power In Our Prayer

During this month of November, we have the tradition of praying for our deceased loved ones. We do this for several reasons. First, we pray for them because it is a noble and holy thing to do. Second, in praying for them we recognize that one day...