In the 1993 film Searching for Bobby Fischer, an eight-year-old chess prodigy, Josh, is taking chess lessons from Bruce, his tutor. In an attempt to motivate Josh, Bruce reaches into his valise and very slowly and reverently begins to remove a white...
Have you ever been to a funeral, and when it is time for the distribution of Communion, the priest announces that only Catholics may receive the Eucharist if they are in a state of grace or are Catholics in good standing? Now the priest is probably...
The pastor entered the church as he did every Sunday and, after reaching the altar, bowed and walked to the pulpit. My brothers and sisters in Christ. I welcome you to the Easter Mass at our church. Our church is crowded today as there are many...
There are several reasons why our Sunday celebrations must be revered. Firstly, they receive their sacredness from the representation of Christ’s sacrifice in our real time and space so that we may offer ourselves to the Father along with Jesus’...
The sixth chapter of St. John’s gospel takes us to the core of our Church. Everything and anything Catholic flows from the Real Presence of Jesus Christ here in the Blessed Sacrament. Christ’s Presence among us in the Blessed Sacrament...
As a priest for almost thirty years, I’ve been assigned to a number of parishes in the Archdiocese of Detroit, and have seen and served in a variety of church buildings. As a deacon, I was first assigned to St. Thomas a’Becket Parish in Canton...