Tag: Sexuality

The Brotherhood of the Flesh (Part 3)

Hugh Marston Hefner is the third member of this sexual brotherhood. Born in Chicago in 1926, Hef, as his intimates call him, is considered the patriarch of the sexual revolution of the sixties. His father was a Methodist and a direct descendant of...

The Brotherhood of the Flesh (Part Two)

Aleister Crowley passed his baton of sexual depravity to a meek and outwardly man whose early interests centered on his gall wasp collection. This was Alfred Kinsey, who would revolutionize the sexual mores of the American people. As Dr. James...

The Brotherhood of the Flesh (Part One)

If greed and material extravagance was the vice of the 19th century that of the 20th century was lust and sexual perversion. English novelist Aldous Huxley let the proverbial cat out of the bag in 1938 when he revealed that the real reason...

The Martian Test

Many years ago, during a semester when I was teaching a course in Business Ethics, I walked into the office of my department chair (a Catholic gentleman) and, in jest, mentioned that I had assigned an article that I had read while a student at...

Are You Confused About LGBTQITA+?

If the acronym puzzles you, take heart. You are not alone. Anyone born between the 1930s and the 1970s, in some cases later, likely feels the same way. I hasten to add it is not because you or they are LGBTQITA+phobic, if such a condition exists. It...

A Lost Touch

Years ago, I was reminded of the old Broadway play Funny Girl, starring Barbra Streisand. I vividly remember taking a lady friend during Christmas week in 1965 to see what proved to be her last performance. I was most touched by Streisand’s...

Welcome to America’s 51st State

No, this essay is not about the prospects of The District of Columbia, Northern California or even Puerto Rico, being added to our flag in order to stack the Senate and House deck with new legislators. I am talking about the constant state of...

Soft Boys

Even at my advanced age, I know very little about women. As an only child, I had no sisters to compare notes with and both my parents were not only modest but also terminally shy about their bodies for my growing interest. Forget about anyone but an...