Tag: Silence

On the Shores

On a cold, frigid day in February, I stand on the shore of Lake Michigan. Today is a rare day in the Midwest in February. The sun is shining and the air Lake is welcoming. The waves gently caress the shore, softly swaying in and out, like the breath...

What Has the Shire to Do with Rome?

The Lord of the Rings serves as an exceptional benchmark of 20th-century literature. It has been acclaimed by both scholars and hippies and has been enjoyed by readers of the general public as well as by faithful Christians. In the years since its...

That Silent, Shouting Voice

Many of us are acquainted with the text that recounts the Prophet Elijah’s escape from the queen Jezebel which we find in 1 Kings 19:12-21. Undoubtedly, Elijah ran for his life at the deadly threats hurled at him from this evil monarch. He was...


Greater Love hath no man than this: That a man lay down his life for his friends. – John 15:13 I see Jesus in every human being. – Saint Teresa of Calcutta The debate over Martin Scorsese’s Silence is heated among Catholics. Admirers of...

Marking the Moments of Our Lives

Years ago, a man made a retreat to a remote monastery. Upon arriving there, the abbot informed him that he and the other monks hadn’t watched television in twenty-five years and that no cellular signals roamed the area. Quietly, he thought: “So much...