Tag: Trinity

On Trinity Sunday, May We Contemplate God’s Love and Mercy

The feast of the Most Holy Trinity is providential in more ways than one. The statement I am about to make about it might sound outlandish and preposterous: this feast is providential because a good number of believers tend to reduce God to a...

Perfect Love

Comedian Jay Leno is known for his sharp wit, but in his autobiography, called Leading With My Chin, he shows a warmer side—especially when he writes about his now-deceased parents. Jay fondly recalled an incident from high school. He had finally...

The Reminder of How Much God Loves Us

I wonder what must have been Nicodemus’ reaction the night in which Jesus broke to him the greatest piece of good news ever: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but...

All Good Things Come in Three

Once a priest was in an airport, waiting for his flight to be called; as sometimes happens, a stranger came up and began sharing his opinions on religion. The man boasted, “I won’t accept anything I can’t understand. For instance, take this business...

An Eternal Conversation

When Eternal God speaks to Himself, he sings in Algebra! If God were to harbor a single stray thought, He could sketch out Newtonian Motion. If He were to author a temporal treatise, it would be written perfectly in the language of Relativity and...

Living Within the Holy Trinity

The solemnity of the Holy Trinity tackles the principal and hardest mystery of our faith by showing us that God is a community of love and life. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in this timeless, everlasting relationship of eternal sharing of...

The Love We Share

The French Catholic theologian, Blaise Pascal, once remarked that “man’s greatness lies in his power of thought.” During this global pandemic, it is true that we’ve been required to think on our feet and respond to the...