Don’t do it. Please, don’t even try it. Don’t even think about thinking about trying it. It won’t work, it can’t work, no one wants a third party and certainly not a religious, let alone Catholic, political entity. Better toe the two-party line...
If you don’t spend your days on TikTok or Reddit, you may be blissfully unaware of a growing movement urging people to quit their jobs en masse this fall. It’s called “The Great Resignation of 2021,” and for businesses already struggling to attract...
Few people in history have seen more jobs up close than Mike Rowe, the longtime host of the Discovery Channel’s hit TV show Dirty Jobs. Now the blue-collar icon has a message for those who say “non-essential” employees have no business working...
Roughly half, at least 46% of households in the United States today, cannot come up with $400 in cash for an emergency. They would have to put the $400 on a credit card, or borrow from friends and family or simply not cover it at all. Not...
An interesting question, don’t you think? Using the example of mowing another’s lawn, George Mason University economist, Walter Williams, explored this very topic (Understanding Liberals, Creators, 2011). He writes: “For doing so, you pay me $20. I...
I entered the newly designed express lane at the grocery store, said “Hi” to the cashier, and then realized I was on the back side of the lane, which looked exactly like the front side! The cashier said, with evident frustration, “It’s happened a...
This weekend we celebrate Labor Day. While we have gotten away from the origins of this holiday (to celebrate the rights of those who labor), it is a good opportunity to reflect on how we work whether at home, in an office or factory or store, or at...
(Note: Part I documented that the minimum wage harms the very people it is designed to help and the popular alternative—letting capitalism work, unencumbered by regulations—encourages practices that cry out for reform. It concluded by suggesting...