Archive: April 2011

The Lazarus Event

The Lazarus Event

The football game is over and the sportscaster is interviewing the coach of the winning team. They talk knowledgably about the players and critical plays and then the sportscaster asks the coach the big question: “What was the turning point in the...

Thinking Outside the Box

Thinking Outside the Box

Who is Lazarus? In many senses, each one of us is Lazarus. While each one of us will die physically, many of us have become spiritually dead and even buried. We know that we will rise with Christ on the last day. But from what spiritual death do we...

Greatest Puppet Show on Earth

Greatest Puppet Show on Earth

For years, critic after critic has bemoaned the U.S. Trade Deficit.  Virtually everything imaginable on earth has been cited as the cause of the Trade Deficit.  In turn, virtually every economic woe besetting the U.S. is said to be a result of the...

Seeing God’s Hand in Our Lives

Seeing God’s Hand in Our Lives

At the mid-point of our Lenten journey–Laetare Sunday, the Church pauses to give praise and thanks to God for the blessings we’ve received thus far. The priest wears a rose vestment which symbolizes our muted celebration of this halfway point...

Living in the Freedom of God’s Sons and Daughters

Living in the Freedom of God’s Sons and Daughters

The story of the woman at the well is a story of reconciliation and healing. The woman is obviously not popular in her village. She probably was a great sinner—and she knew it. To avoid encountering gossipy women, she chose to get water during the...

A Right Belonging Only to God

The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is a group of clerics which declares: “Freedom of Choice is Sacred”. They use the RCRC for their main purpose: to attempt to buttress the abortion movement with theological and religious...

Our Mission Begins at Baptism

Our Mission Begins at Baptism

Just as Abram was sent by God to go forth from his father’s house and become a great nation, it is important for us to remember that when we were baptized into God’s family, each one of us was given the mission to go forth and do good things Peter...

Can the Titanic be Saved?

Waiting for Superman, the controversial documentary about public education and its many failures, was not nominated for an Academy Award. Perhaps it did not make the list because it was highly critical of teachers, their powerful unions, and boards...
