Archive: January 2019

Sharing God’s Love with Others

Two construction workers, Mack and Fred, were arguing about religion while working on a job one summer morning. Mack was a non-believer, while Fred had just been received into the Church at Easter. Mack sneered, “You don’t really believe all those...

The Sad Legacy of the Self-Esteem Movement

It has been almost sixty years since the Gospel of Self-Esteem was first preached in America and quickly planted in the nation’s schools. Since then it has impacted three generations of Americans. Here is a summary of the message they have been...

God is a Communion of Love

To the mysterious aspects of life we ought to add the mysterious message hidden in the Gospel passage from John (2:1-11). We are quite familiar with it, but we do not really know how rich with meaning each line is. The first thing that jumps right...

The Night Didn’t Seem Quite So Cold Anymore

Over thirty years ago an anonymous author wrote this reflection: “I was waiting for the subway train to come. It was bitter cold—near zero, with a windchill factor of 30 below zero. It was late at night, and a few of us stood inside a small shelter...

Another Pernicious Effect of Illegal Immigration

With the current clash between President Trump and Democrat leaders over the funding of a border wall with Mexico, both sides have their favorite arguments. The President focuses on the crime, drugs, and security threats due to thousands of unvetted...

They Doth Protest Too Much

With apologies to the Bard of Avon,  I have been sick to death of players, no matter what sport they may play, protesting what they perceive to be social and political ills. Politicians of all stripes encourage them, but in reality what does a...

The Relationship Between Theology and Logic

In modern Catholicism, the term “theology” is often linked to Church doctrine, much of which is regarded as definitive, and even infallible, and thus not open to question. That linkage has inclined the hierarchy to be averse to dialogue, to expect...

Even the Toughest Stains are Removed

OxiClean in hot water is the latest stain remover that I have been using with some success. Homemakers, however, might recommend something more efficient. The bottom line is that once we know how, even the toughest stains should come out. We all...
