Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is a beloved and familiar image in most traditional Catholic households. This image represents Jesus’’ immense and consuming love for all of humankind. Each one of us, and our concerns, are deeply embedded in Jesus’’ heart. And he continually asks us to be receptive to him.

Jesus communicates himself with a love so intense that it is far beyond even the love a mother has for her child, the devotion of a brother for a brother or the affection of a friend for a friend. Jesus wants to fill our hearts with graces from his love. But, we must acknowledge and accept the graces that are intended for us. His boundless love is our companion, guide, anchor, protector, stabilizer, and shield from the evils in this world. His heart represents the divine love he shares with his Father and the Holy Spirit for us.

During times of difficulty, we can hide ourselves in his Sacred Heart, or vent our ardent desires there. The heart of Jesus looks upon us more tenderly than we can look upon ourselves or each other.

Jesus exemplifies continuous, selfless love. He pours his love, goodness and mercy on us. He infuses us with holy desires. How often do we ask for, or are open to, these life giving sources? Indeed, they guide us to stay on the path of unselfish love and human respect. Jesus’’ heart beats for our salvation and is pierced by our sins. With light from his teaching, we see with a new focus and receive whatever comes our way with loving gratitude. We are awed by reverence for all creation.

Jesus said, “Learn from me for I am gentle and humble of heart.”

From his heart, Jesus calls all of us to learn about the source of true joy that flows from the springs of eternal salvation. Heart of Jesus, wherein are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, have mercy on us.

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Written by
Carolyn Humphreys, O.C.D.S.
