Last November 21, 2014, the Catholic Church celebrated the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism called Unitatis Reintegratio (“Restoration of Unity”). The anniversary presented an opportunity to...
On October 11, 2011, with his Apostolic Letter Porta fidei (“Door of Faith”), Pope Benedict XVI declared the Year of Faith would begin on the 50th Jubilee Anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) the most significant...
This January 27, 2015 will mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the most notorious of all Nazi death camps – Auschwitz-Birkenau. The name of the camp will forever be linked with man’s inhumanity to man and the unspeakable crimes of...
One hundred years ago, on Christmas Eve 1914, an incredible event took place on the Western Front in France during World War I. After an all-night snowfall that covered the battlefield with a serene white powder, unusual lights began to appear all...
On December 12 the Church in the United States will be celebrating the optional memorial of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. As Catholics, we should know that the Blessed Virgin Mary’s apparition on December 9, 1531 to Saint Juan...