On New Year’s Day, when we celebrated the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, it was important to ask a pertinent question: What makes us love and honor Mary so much? We know that Mary is not a god. She himself acknowledges her status of...
On Friday, January 3rd, we celebrated the feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Regularly, we Franciscans promulgate the Holy Name of Jesus. The first person which comes to mind is surely the Franciscan friar St. Bernardine of Siena (b.1380 – d...
Now that we have kicked off the Jubilee of Hope, it is of the utmost importance not just to consider this year as a year of grace of the Lord but also to snatch the graces God gives us to sanctify us. One of the greatest graces that God has surely...
With the coming of the New Year and the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, we always have the peace message written by the Pope. This year, the year of the Jubilee of Hope, Pope Francis wrote his peace message on the theme: Forgive us our...
In these beautiful days of Christmas it is so important to have relevant people who help us uncover the powerful meaning of these life-giving celebrations. The Early Fathers of the Church have all the credentials for being good guides in this. For...
Another interesting subject which surfaces in the Diary of St Faustina is certainly Christmas. For St Faustina, Christmas was a moment where she learned that joy can never be found away from the Lord. The following is her spiritual experience she...
On Thursday, December 12, 2024, we celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This extraordinary Marian feast reminds me how much Mary, the Mother of God and Our Mother, really takes seriously her call as Our Mother. The message she gave to...
Advent has been called Little Lent. The idea is interesting since it captures the spirit of penance. Although the Code of Canon Law, precisely in Canon 1250 says that The penitential days and times in the universal Church...