Michael Vacca

MICHAEL VACCA is a devotee of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Therese of Lisieux. He graduated from Hillsdale College with a B.A. in English and Political Science, holds a J.D. from Ave Maria School of Law, and is a licensed attorney in Michigan. He currently serves as Director of Ministry, Bioethics, and Member Experience for Christ Medicus Foundation CURO. He worked for the Pontifical Council of the Family in Rome, where he advised the Church on pro-life and pro-family issues and advanced Catholic social teaching throughout the world. Michael is the Managing Editor of the International Center on Law, Life, Faith, and Family, which produces and provides resources on these issues, www.icolf.org. He is a founding board member of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, and currently serves on the board of the Casa Vitae Foundation. He is author and coauthor of various articles on bioethics and law, including: Michael Vacca, A Reexamination of Conscience Protections in Healthcare, 62 MEDICINA E MORALE 78 (2013) ; Jane Adolphe & Michael Vacca, Best Practices: Laws Protecting Human Life and the Family Around the Globe, 2 AVE MARIE INT’L L. J. 1 (2012); Michael Vacca, Talk About a Human Rights Violation: How Heterologous Assisted Reproduction Harms Children and Violates International Human Rights Law, 7 AVE MARIE INT’L L. J. 53 (2018); Michael Vacca, Natural Law as Guardian of the Human Person, 4 BAKU ST. UNIV. L. REV. 149 (2018); and Michael Vacca, Education and Religious Freedom in the Toledo Guiding Principles: A Comparative Analysis Between the Holy See and the United States 36 ARIZONA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 2 (2019). He is also a co-editor of two published books, ST. PAUL, THE NATURAL LAW, AND CONTEMPORARY LEGAL THEORY (2012) and EQUALITY AND NON-DISCRIMINATION CATHOLIC ROOTS, CURRENT CHALLENGES (2019). More than anything, Michael is grateful to know the love of Jesus Christ and for his beautiful and holy wife Sarah.

The First, Most Essential Right

At the core of the human person is the most essential duty, the duty to worship God and live according to His commands. On the day that we die, it is not to any government that we will answer, nor to any person, not even to the leaders of the...

When Unlimited “Freedom” Becomes Unlimited Despotism

“I am perplexed by my own data and my conclusion is a direct contradiction of the original idea with which I start.  Starting from unlimited freedom, I arrive at unlimited despotism. I will add, however, that there can be no solution of the social...

The Secularization of the Church in Our Midst

Sadly, one of the most obvious effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is the extent to which the institutional Church has been secularized. Many are familiar with the term secularization in terms of the broader culture. There is no need to repeat here at...

Contextualizing the Coronavirus

There are moments in the life of the Church and society when public issues become the occasion for reassessing our conduct, to ensure that it lines up with Christ. Now is such a moment. Fears of this coronavirus have spread throughout the world and...

The Fabricated Separation Between Pro-Life and Pro-Family

In an article appearing February 4th 2020, Kyleen Wright, President of Texans for Life, uses the term “pro-life” to embrace a position that is emphatically not pro-life. Her analysis typifies much of the discourse regarding the appropriateness of...

Threats to the Sanctity of Human Life

This article is especially targeted towards pro-life people who want to know more about the various threats to human life in our world.  As pro-life advocates who are deeply concerned about our brothers and sisters who are victims of...

Authentic Humanism and the Person of Christ

The most vital question facing humanity has implications for healthcare, politics, education, business, technology, and every human field. The question is this: who is the human person? If we do not answer this question truthfully, all of...
