Tag: Anxiety

How Neurotic are Americans? Part I

“The cry of the neurotic is ‘woe unto you if you are not perfect’.” This is a quote from famed Neo Freudian Karen Horney. [pronounced horneye, BTW] Today we have a phenomenon called political correctness, progressing into ‘wokeness’. It has been...

On God’s Doorstep

Though the Covid, the nation’s first pandemic in just over a century, may seem like a distant memory, it caused a national stress that reaped an incalculable physical and mental harm on several millions of our people, especially our children that...

Sunday Scaries

Once again, I am a man ahead of his time. Reading an article from The Atlantic, I noted that lexicographers have determined that “Sunday Scaries” has been a popular term on social media since 2016. Some may think the term references bad homilies or...

A Wish

As a pastor, a source of serious concern is having to remind parishioners, more often than in the past, that Jesus’ Resurrection, his victory over all evils, death included, is irreversible and unstoppable. At increasing frequency, what we see on...

Where is the Bride?

Have you noticed? If it is not a deranged man massacring innocent people at a concert or at a Sunday religious service, it is the real possibility of a global war breaking out at any moment, or the threat of another terrorist attack. There seems to...

How We Live our Lives

In the Gospel of Luke (21:25-28, 34-36) Jesus says, “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life.” This is the season of the year in which we prepare ourselves to celebrate...