Tag: Catholicism

What Has the Shire to Do with Rome?

The Lord of the Rings serves as an exceptional benchmark of 20th-century literature. It has been acclaimed by both scholars and hippies and has been enjoyed by readers of the general public as well as by faithful Christians. In the years since its...

Worth the Risk

For centuries missionary priests have risked their lives to spread the Gospel and expand the reach of the Catholic Church. Many have been martyred for their efforts. In Japan, as beautifully dramatised in Martin Scorcese’s Silence, the Shogunate of...

What Catholics Can Learn from Buddhists

For centuries Catholics were discouraged, and even forbidden, from reading non-Catholic works lest their faith be undermined. Such precautions were reasonable when the laity were largely uneducated and even illiterate. Though that is no longer the...

Restoring the Catholic Church

Recently, while dusting my bookcase, I noticed my copy of Malachi Martin’s The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church, published in 1981. I flipped through its underscored and annotated pages and realized that Martin’s observations seem even...

In Name Only

There are approximately 1.2 billion Catholics in the world today so why are the churches empty? This is easily explained by the fact that too many Catholics are Catholics “in name only.” In other words, they haven’t seen the inside of a church in...

Authentic Truth

Recently, our friends at Crisis Magazine (19 March 2018) published an upsetting account of a Catholic college not defending a student who was promoting Church teachings on love, marriage and family. I immediately forwarded the article to several of...

Empty Pews

I hope I am not the only one concerned about the paucity of pews that are are occupied during Saturday and Sunday Masses of obligation. I keep wondering where have all the faithful Catholics gone. At one time I thought after a Saturday Vigil Mass...
