Tag: Courage

Defensor Ecclesiae: Bp. Antoni Baraniak SDB

“The gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” (Mt. 16:18) On July 28, 2023, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland adopted a resolution declaring the year 2024 as the Year of Archbishop Antoni Baraniak. Persecutions of civilians on...

Pentecost is Decision Time

Fierce attacks have been, and are, directed mostly against the Catholic Church by those who are hellbent on replacing reality, nature, truth, decency, and common sense with crazy ideologies inspired by the prince of darkness. Satan’s minions know...

Acting as Courageous Disciples of Christ

Decades ago, a familiar sign held by bold believers at major sports events, simply read “John 3:16.” For those unfamiliar with the Bible, it refers to these words: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who...

Asking God for Wisdom, Strength, and Courage

In October 2021, a pregnant girl in South America was considering abortion, but she changed her mind; because of the loving support of pro-life volunteers and priests at a women’s shelter run by the Church, she decided to have her baby. This...

Practicing Our Faith

In the Acts of the Apostles (6:1-7). Scripture tells us that The Seven were chosen by the Apostles, prayed over, consecrated, and made sacred ministers—deacons! Immediately following their transformation (or ordination, as we know it today)...

The Watchman

College students are back in the classroom now that a new academic term has begun—but this year some of them will be tempted to take advantage of a new form of cheating previously unavailable: using A.I., or artificial intelligence. Programs such as...

Regarding our Fears

Over a hundred years ago, in the days of vaudeville, there was a husband-and-wife team named “Boris and Olga” who performed a knife-throwing act. Olga would stand next to a wooden wall on stage, while Boris, from twenty feet away, threw knives all...

So Have No Fear of Them

In the Gospel of Matthew (10: 26-33), Jesus talks about the right kind of fear we should have as we live out and preach his Gospel mainly with our lives. It can be understood better if taken together with what is written in the preceding verses...