I remember learning as a child that variety was the spice of life. Variety used to mean enjoying many different experiences, alone or with others. It is a great idea that mitigates against our getting pigeonholed into a set of routines or behaviors...
Professor Number One At the university, it was a tradition that a new professor would give a public speech on a topic of his choosing prior to teaching his first class. And so the young man with a degree in philosophy arrived at the school with...
There are any numbers of words and phrases we use so often that we no longer pay attention to their content. Take the Lord’s Prayer for instance. What do we really mean when we address God as our Father? Who do we include and who do we exclude? On...
In the Gospel of Matthew (28:19), Jesus reminds us of our obligation to “go forth and make disciples of all nations.” His words clearly define the outward-reaching mission of the Church and powerfully declare her Catholicity. And given...